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Cyfres Clem: 2. Clem ar Wyliau

Alex T Smith, Luned Whelan, Alex T. Smith

Cyfres Clem: 2. Clem ar Wyliau


  • Straeon anifeiliad. Bwndeli o fflwff, ffwr a hwyl
  • Antur. Arswyd, gwefr a digon o helynt

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5 out 5

2 reviews


Roedd e'n wych!

Anonymous 26.08.2014

Clem is a dog who lives in a very small house. He is a small dog but clever! He decided to go on holidays for the day. He packed his bag and off he went. He went with his friend Mr. Bobble sock. At the beach he ended up a hero. This story was funny and adventurous. Also, you can have this book in welsh and english!I recommend this book to everyone.

Anonymous 19.07.2014

Gwybodaeth i oedolion

Parth Ysgol

Ewch i’n Parth Ysgol i gael adnoddau am ddim a syniadau Sialens ar gyfer eich dosbarth

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Cartref

Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

Darllenwch fwy