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Amelia Fang and the Lost Yeti Treasures (The Amelia Fang Series)

Laura Ellen Anderson

Amelia Fang and the Lost Yeti Treasures (The Amelia Fang Series)


  • Antur. Arswyd, gwefr a digon o helynt
  • Teulu a ffrindiau. Chwerthin a dagrau a hapus byth wedyn
  • Llyfrau doniol. Byddwch yn chwerthin nes syrthio oddi ar eich cadair

Average rating

5 out 5

127 reviews


It made me laugh when the yeti said “Your name is ridiculously long and sounds like food. So, I’m just going to call you Dave!”

Anonymous 19.01.2024

I loved it!

Anonymous 02.01.2024

I liked this book because there were little furry pumpkins and that in the end they all got out safely

Anonymous 29.09.2023

Really enjoyed this story and reading about the puzzles and fun Amelia and her friends had at her Grand - yeti's party in Yeti Mountain.

Anonymous 13.09.2023

I thought it was a bit boring but when it got to the bit where all the pits started to collapse, I thought it was great and also a bit funny to.

Anonymous 06.09.2023

Very funny, love the yetis

Anonymous 14.08.2023

I liked it when Florence, Grimaldi and Amelia found Tangine with a lot of fluffy pumpkins they called yumpkins

Anonymous 08.08.2023

good book.

Anonymous 04.08.2023

It was very adventurous and interesting.

Anonymous 28.07.2023

This book was very good because it was a very intersting story

Anonymous 27.07.2023

It was good, but not my favourite in the amelia fang series

Anonymous 27.07.2023

i love this book

Anonymous 22.07.2023

It was a very good book

Anonymous 01.07.2023

It was exciting when the yeti pits were collapsing.

Anonymous 07.06.2023

I thought it was sadder than the other Amelia Fang books but still interesting and hilarious at times too. I like how obsessed Tangine is with his unicorn fart and magnificence perfume, how the other characters call it bum cheek perfume!

Anonymous 05.01.2023

The middle of the book got a bit scary because the pages went all dark and the yeti mountains were falling down. Florence and her friends got stuck and almost got crumbled.

Anonymous 19.09.2022

I enjoyed this book

Anonymous 18.09.2022

I liked this book a lot because it had adventures in the book and it was exciting

Anonymous 11.09.2022

I really like this book. It is funny and I am thinking about reading the other books in the series.

Anonymous 04.09.2022

I enjoyed the crack and them being buried

Anonymous 02.09.2022

Gwybodaeth i oedolion

Parth Ysgol

Ewch i’n Parth Ysgol i gael adnoddau am ddim a syniadau Sialens ar gyfer eich dosbarth

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Cartref

Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

Darllenwch fwy