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Storm Hound

Claire Fayers (Author)

Storm Hound


  • Byd Ffantasi. Anturiaethau o hud a dirgelwch
  • Antur. Arswyd, gwefr a digon o helynt
  • Straeon anifeiliad. Bwndeli o fflwff, ffwr a hwyl

Average rating

5 out 5

23 reviews

Everyone's puppy is a legend . . . right? Myth becomes reality in the unlikeliest of places in this fast-paced and funny adventure from Claire Fayers, author of The Accidental Pirates series.


It was a book for a younger reader but I liked the fighting bit where it was like described in detail

Anonymous 31.07.2023

I loved this book. It’s full of magic. It’s very good written and very funny.

Anonymous 12.10.2022

i would recommend this to someone the like myths and legends

Anonymous 15.09.2022

I would recommend this book to T-Jay because he loves wolves and hounds are descended from wolves

Anonymous 27.08.2022

I enjoyed this book. I especially liked when he had to choose between going back to the wild hunt or stay with his owner Jessie.

Anonymous 08.08.2022

It had lots of detail that’s why my new favourite author is Claire Fayeres

Anonymous 31.08.2021

a pup fell out of the sky while in the wild hunt.

Anonymous 14.08.2021

It's perfect

Anonymous 20.07.2021

My favourite character was Storm. I would recommend this book to people who like magic, good vs. evil and animals.

Anonymous 23.08.2020


Anonymous 13.08.2020

I love this book as it is full of magic, myths and secrets.

Anonymous 12.08.2020

Storm of Odin is a storm hound of the wild hunt. When he falls out of the sky ( the otherworld) into the human world ( Landing in Wales) he is found by a lady who runs the Abergavenny Dog Rescue Centre thinking he was a puppy. A few days later a girl called Jessie comes along looking for a puppy. When she sees storm of Odin she decides that she wants him and calls him Storm. At the start of school term Jessie is worried about starting year eight in a new high school, especially when it turns out that there are professors in the school that seem to be up to no good. When they want to steal storm, Jessie gets very confused.

Anonymous 11.08.2020

I recommend this book because it really exciting and has lots of magic.

Anonymous 05.08.2020

Full of danger and a very good book. I think Storm (one of the giant storm hounds) was very upset when he turned into a puppy.

Anonymous 25.07.2020


Anonymous 19.07.2020

This book was good! I liked Storm the dog he was very funny! I would recommend this book to anyone else in the area of my age because I think it would be for anyone near 9 or over!

Anonymous 13.07.2020

I would recommend this book to children 12+. I did not particularly like this.

Anonymous 03.07.2020

I would give this book five hundred if I could, it is amazing!

Anonymous 29.06.2020

I thought that this book was ok but some of it was a bit boring my favourite character was Storm the dog.

Anonymous 29.06.2020

I thought this was a great book and i liked the character Storm, a puppy who came down from the skies and the Hall of Odin, with Jessica's (his new owner) help they must return him to the skies where he belongs.

Anonymous 27.06.2020

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Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

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Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

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