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I Don't Want Curly Hair!

Laura Ellen Anderson, Laura Ellen Anderson

I Don't Want Curly Hair!


Average rating

5 out 5

27 reviews


The girl has hair like me

Anonymous 17.08.2023

I loved that she met a friend with the opposite to her, would definitely recommend

Anonymous 17.08.2023

I like when she made a friend and did crazy hair styles

Anonymous 13.08.2023

I have curly hair, I learnt to like my curly hair.

Anonymous 05.08.2023

I enjoyed how in the end the characters realised they wanted the other ones hair, but decided to love there own and made friends.

Anonymous 29.07.2023

She wants what she can't have for her hair. Finds a friend and likes her hair and the other one wants her hair too.

Anonymous 26.07.2023

She has hair like me

Anonymous 23.08.2022

I liked this book because it seemed like me . The girl and another girl want straight and curly. I find this book great for friendship and hair fun!

Anonymous 31.07.2022

The person i liked was the girl with curly hair.It was a nice story I would recommend to my friend.

Anonymous 07.08.2021

I liked the girl trying to get her hair straight

Anonymous 01.08.2021

The girl doesn’t like her curly hair, but it is nice. She had a good friend who loved her curly hair. This is a kind book.

Anonymous 29.07.2021

Verry funny. I my self have curly hair and don't want it!

Anonymous 15.06.2020

I liked this book because it is a rhyming book and it was interesting and funny to read. The story is about a girl who hates her curly hair and tries everything to make it straight until she meets another girl who has straight hair and tries everything to make it curly. They then realise that everyone is different and beautiful and that we should love the way we are and what we have. I learnt a good lesson from this story. I used to have very curly hair, like the girl in the book, when I was little, but now my hair is nearly straight. My favourite character in the book is the girl with the curly hair. My favourite part is when she tried to make her hair straight putting some balloons attached to it and she goes flying. It was very funny and it made me laugh. I loved this book.

Anonymous 14.06.2020

There is a girl who doesn't like curly hair. But, one day she saw a girl who does want curly hair. Then, they did hair styles together. It is a fiction. I like the straight hair girl. I definitely recommend it to someone else, because it is not just like a normal book. It is like a hair style book.

Anonymous 12.12.2019

This is my favourite book ever! I have curly hair and I hate it sometimes but this reminds me to love it because curly are cool

Anonymous 10.08.2019

This book is about loving what you've got. Even if you don't want it.

Anonymous 08.08.2019

Love it

Anonymous 14.09.2017

Really enjoyed this story especially the part when the girls where creating new styles and swapping tips.

Anonymous 21.08.2017

Both children 2&5yr olds loved this. Xx

Anonymous 18.08.2017

i like when the girl saw someone with straight hair then she realize that her curly hair is good and not that bad after all.

Anonymous 16.08.2017

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Ewch i’n Parth Ysgol i gael adnoddau am ddim a syniadau Sialens ar gyfer eich dosbarth

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Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

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Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

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