Tintin: Trysor Rhaca Goch
Herge, Dafydd Jones
Mae Tintin a'i ffrindiau ar eu ffordd i'r Caribî i chwilio am drysor coll y môr-leidr Rhaca Goch, a llong yr Uncorn. Er dod o hyd i weddillion y llong, does dim golwg o drysor Rhaca Goch. Y cyfan sydd ar wely'r môr yw hen gist yn llawn dogfennau - dogfennau sy'n datgelu newyddion syfrdanol! Tintin and his friends head for the Caribbean in search of pirate Rhaca Goch's lost treasure, and the ship Yr Uncorn. Although they find the sunken vessel beneath the waves, the treasure has vanished. All that remains is a chest full of manuscripts - manuscripts which reveal surprising information!